Dr. Israr Ahmed
Scholar Tanzeem-e-Islami

Our History
The essence of what we call the “Islamic revolutionary thought” consists of the idea that it is not enough to practice Islam in one’s individual life but that the teachings of the Qur’an and those of the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) must also be implemented in their totality in the social, cultural, juristic, political, and the economic spheres of life. The credit for reviving this dynamic concept of Islam in the Indian subcontinent, after centuries of neglect and dormancy, goes to Allama Muhammad Iqbal.
Mission Statement
The Mission Statement of Tanzeem-e-Islami is given below:
“In our opinion the addressee of Deen is an individual. To provide his moral and spiritual fulfillment and salvation are the main objective of Deen, and the proposed collectivity is required chiefly for the purpose that it may help an individual in achieving his goal, that is to seek the pleasure of Allah.
Therefore the nature of the envisaged collectivity should be such that it may have due consideration for the religious and moral training of an individual, and special arrangement should be made so that the religious sentiments of the participants can be awakened and there can be a continuous increase in their knowledge. Their beliefs should be corrected and purified, they should become more and more inclined towards prayers and in following the Sunnah. In their practical lives, they should become more and more sensitive about the lawful and the prohibited and their actions should be based on piety. Their concern and passion for the invitation and propagation of Deen and for its domination and establishment should increase with the passage of time. In addition to the intellectual and educational guidance in these matters, it is imperative to pay particular attention to provide practical training and effective [and pious] companionship.
With regard to the Da`wah, we consider it necessary that the spirit of Al-Deen Al-Naseeha (Deen is loyalty and sincerity toward each other) and the gradation of Al-Aqrabo Fal-Aqrab (one who is nearer should be given priority) be maintained. Therefore, the practice of Da`wah and reform should extend from an individual to his family, his kith and kin, and then gradually to his surroundings. In this context, it is imperative to make special effort to provide religious teaching and training to the new generation.
In regard to the collective responsibility of the Ummah concerning the work of Da`wah and propagation among the masses, we consider that the most important task is to counteract the false beliefs and customs of the period of ignorance [that are still prevalent today] and to effectively refute the misleading thoughts and philosophy of the modern times. Moreover the guidance given by the Book (Qur’an) and Sunnah concerning the various aspects of human life should be explained in clear terms so that their real wisdom and rational worth can be made clear, and the doubts in the minds of the people of the present times may be removed.”

Dr Israr Ahmed Founder
Dr. Israr Ahmad, the second son of a government servant, was born on April 26, 1932 in Hisar (a district of East Punjab, now a part of Haryana) in India. He graduated from King Edward Medical College (Lahore) in 1954 and later received his masters in Islamic Studies from the University of Karachi in 1965.

Shujah Uddin Sheikh Ameer
Mohtaram Shujauddin Shaikh is the current Ameer of Tanzeem-e-Islami. He was born on September 29, 1974. His forefathers had migrated in 1947 from the Gujarat province of India to Karachi. He was brought up in Karachi, Pakistan.
His professional studies were in Chartered Accountancy (CA) and he completed his 4-year audit training and internship from A.F. Fergusons & Co. Chartered Accountants in 2001. Shujauddin Shaikh took a few basic Arabic courses from Karachi in 1989. He obtained his Master’s Degree in Islamic Studies from the University of Karachi in 1996.
Our Ideology

Any male or female Muslim (belonging to any school of the Ahl Al-Sunnah) can become a member of Tanzeem-e-Islami by giving a pledge (or Baiy`ah) of obedience...
Indeed, there are a number of parties and groups working throughout the Muslim world with the aim of bringing about an Islamic Revolution...
The obligations of a Muslim as ordained by the Qur’an and Sunnah, can be understood as having four levels: A Muslim is required to develop real faith...
The basic beliefs of Tanzeem-e-Islami are the same as that of Ahl-e-Sunnat wal Jama’at, according to which it is obligatory upon every sane adult Muslim that..
Join US
Any male or female muslim can join Tanzeem-e-Islami by giving a pledge (or Baiy`ah) of obedience.

Address:Dar ul Islam, Markaz Tanzeem-e-Islami,Multan Road,Chung Lahore.
Address:Office Tanzeem-e-Islami Halqa Khwaten 36-K, Model Town, Lahore.