AU-04(16)-064 | Surah Al-Mominoon-78 to Surah Al-Noor-26
المومنون (۷۸) تا النّور (۲۶)۔
[ItemCode: 04-2016]
This is Part: 64 OF 110
tarjuma, Quran
AU-04(16)-059 | Surah Ta-Ha-116 to Al-An’mbia-50
طٰہٰ (۱۱۶) تا الانبیاء (۵۰)۔
[ItemCode: 04-2016]
This is Part: 59 OF 110
tarjuma, Quran
AU-04(16)-054 | Surah Bani-Israel-101 to Sruah Al-Kahaf-44
بنی اسراءیل (۱۰۱) تا الکھف (۴۴)۔
[ItemCode: 04-2016]
This is Part: 54 OF 110
tarjuma, Quran